the devil 666
JoinedTopics Started by the devil 666
whats happening and what kind of people are they !!!!!!!!
by the devil 666 inhi there devil dad here again its been a while i know but i have been trying to get my head round the jw but it seems im going backwards fast.
my daughter has just been to a kind of convention of some kind for all those freaky b******s and i cannot beleve the shit what she is preaching now its just unreal i mean disrespect for jws its like gays if they keep themselvs to themselvs its ok but she is trying to shove the jw shit down my throat every time she visits and i just dont want to hear it all the time.
if i call them brainwashing bastards she starts to cry and tells me the end is very near and if i join the jw i will live forever (what a load of shite) and its all get.
its like knocking a nail in a knot !!!!
by the devil 666 inwell friends i have took your advice i have read your posts looked at all the possibilitys i can but i have had no joy with my daughter at all i have been so calm with her but she seems to have been brainwashed that much by the jw in such a short time its unreal.
i just cannot beleave how it has affected her so much its frightening.
she has even sent jws to our house to preach there shit to us i told them to f***off but i think they are that zombie-fied they dont realy know whats going on and they still stand there when its pissing it down with rain with a big stupid smile on there faces whats it all about eh.
what do they think of none jw
by the devil 666 incan anyone tell me what do jw think of the family of none jw .as most of you know my daughter is a jw and it now seems to me that these so called people are telling my daughter not to have any contact with her family only with them.
if this is true why are they doing this and why is she doing what they are telling her.
the devil 666
hi am back
by the devil 666 inwell i have just spent a few days looking through most of the links and posts.
i cannot beilve some of the things what have happend to the ex jw for god sake are these people realy human or has saddend me to think that my daughter would even get remotely get involved with these kind of people never mind preach this kind of s**t .
the 100 things page shes not keeping to that one as she as broke 59 of them in the last two weeks (but that dont matter doz it) .
thank you all
by the devil 666 in.
i would like to thank you all for your contributions and sorry to storm in like that at first my mistake ups.and now i will go and make a start and do some reserch into what these people are realy like i will let you know how im getting on.. happy new year to you all .
the devil
how can you
by the devil 666 inwhat kind of people are you !!
realy if you had a loved member of your family hurt in a accident and needed blood you would let them die what and all you come out with is they will come back in he new system what a load of shite you talk.
there is not going to be a new system its all a load of bollocks make no wonder your breath stinks of shite as its all the shit what comes out of it .